General Liability
What is General Liability Insurance?
No matter how careful a business is there will always be risk involved, a General Liability insurance policy protects against many known and unknown risks. Every business should protect themselves from accidents or injuries that could occur on their business grounds and General Liability insurance coverage can protect businesses from these unexpected expenses.
What does general liability insurance cover?
At its core general liability covers third-party bodily injury, property damage, and advertising injury such as defamation and copyright infringement. If you own a business in California, it is not only optional, it is mandatory.
More often than not business owners open claims for events they never saw coming. When you purchase general liability insurance, you never envision using it for the things that often arise. This is why general liability insurance is the go-to for any business; coverage is often wide-ranging, acting as a safety net for your business in a variety of situations.
No two lawsuits will ever be the same. If you run a retail storefront you might think third-party injury risks are pretty simple. Someone slips and falls, they sue your business, your insurance covers it, and that is that.
However, many claims can be more nuanced than that. Say you sell clothing, and a customer browsing the selection pricks their finger on the broken security tag of the garment. It is a small wound, unfortunately they bleed all over their vintage Chanel bag and they want you to pay for the replacement of the bag as it will never be the same stained. Whether or not you’re actually responsible is up to the courts, but general liability is intended to cover damages sustained by a third party.
This includes services rendered as part of your business outside of your commercial space. For example, imagine your art studio is delivering a sculpture to an owner’s home. As you carry it in, your grip slips and a corner falls on the homeowner and they too fall. Not only do they injure themselves physically but also damage their new custom Venetian plaster wall.
What does general liability insurance Not COver?
It is so important to also know that General liability insurance does not cover employee injuries, punitive damages, auto accidents, intentional acts, workmanship or professional mistakes.
No matter how many policies you need, it all begins with general liability insurance.
Every business needs to protect themselves from accidents or injuries that may occur on their business grounds. General Liability insurance coverage can protect your business from these unexpected expenses. There are many different plans and options when choosing a General Liability insurance policy and we can assist you in finding the right plan to fit the needs and budget of your business.
Want a Free Quote for General Liability Insurance?
Grow Green Insurance offers unique general liability solutions such as:
• Specialty carriers for every industry
• Preferred pricing through partnered relationships
• “Pay What You Want” in Broker Fees